Pre-Approval Discount

To qualify for the $/£40 Pre-Approval Discount, the customer or reseller requesting the Return Authorization (RA) must be willing to forgo a service estimate and agree to a pre-approval amount consisting of:

1. The flat rate service fee for the product being serviced.

2. At least $/£150 in cost for parts.

A credit card payment or open credit terms must be in place to qualify for the discount. Sound Devices will never charge more than this pre-approved amount (flat rate + cost for parts) without further approval. If the repair cost exceeds the pre-approved amount, an estimate will be prepared and the customer/distributor will be notified. Conversely, if the cost of the parts amounts to less than $/£150 after repair, the customer will only be responsible for the actual cost and charged accordingly.  Shipping charges are excluded from these rates.

To qualify for the discount, a minimum of $/£150 in cost for parts must be approved. Approving more than the $/£150 minimum can expedite service in the case of expensive repairs. Repairs that are typically expensive include a broken LCD, damaged chassis, or a CL-12 needing a complete set of new P&G faders. Only the actual cost for parts will be charged, regardless of the amount pre-approved.

Below is an example of a pre-approved charge statement for a 633 repair:


Flat rate service fee$445.00
Parts+ $100.00
Pre-approval maximum= $545.00

Actual charges

Flat rate service fee$445.00
Parts (actual cost)+ $42.31
Pre-approval discount– $40.00
Total repair charges= $447.31